Friday 25 November 2016


There are times when a stranger asked me "study mana?" and I asnwered "form 6". So I thought it was a normal answer. So the aunty reply me "Form 6? I thought teens nowadays prefer to go to college or uni rather than taking an STPM. It is one hella toughtest exam in the world, y'know?" 

Well to be honest I didn't aspect I'm gonna taking STPM since I didn't get a UPU. Pre U life is damn busy. Mostly after we finished the syllabus, our teachers will pick a random person then the person have to present in front of us. People asked me why you choose form 6? There's a lot private college kut. Form 6 is damn hard. You have to struggle gila nak mati in order to achive 4 flat. Belajar 1 year and half. Penggal 2 and 3 is damn tough. Tiga kerja kursus for tiga subjects. Pengajian am is easy and fun to learn but hard to score. Lagi teruk bila each subject are negative marking. Cikgu Dina told me, once you choose form 6 you have to be rajin. Ask yourself wether you are brave enough untuk ambik STPM. The truth is it is you yang decide wether you want to success or not. The choice is yours. 

I have my own reason why I choose form 6 at the beginning. Unfortunately, 
nad tak sekuat macam yang orang sangka bila datangnya finale exam. Uitm offers me something that I can't refuse. I swear, I'm gonna miss them soon. Form 6 taught eveything.