Tuesday 12 February 2019


Week 4. I have another four weeks left until my internship session finish next month. This lab has been great so far. The people here are so friendly, cheerful, helpful in terms of always help us in understanding about Halal and chemistry since it is not our field, full of spirit with positive thinking, always encourge us to explore more about Halal industry and making an imporovement towards a better Halal industry in all aspect. One of the thing that I'm so blessed doing an internship in this great Halal Lab because I do feel like a home here. Either in office or at college. 

Moga-moga dapat supervisor yang baik and helpful. Itu antara salah satu doa yang aku panjatkan pada dia lewat solat solat ku sampai la pada pagi subuh sebelum lapor diri. Dan betul bila kita yakin pada Dia, semuanya dipermudahkan hinggalah saat aku sedang menaip ini pun. There's nothing I want unless a kind and great supervisor with people around me. Blessed.