Monday 18 June 2018

Deep conversation

Having a deep conversation during late night. It is really a deep conversation that I don't know what and how to feel. When you said that you do see us together in future. Speechless. Yeaa it is long way to go but it feels like this is so fast and I'm not ready yet. I just had my birthday last week and you already talked about future. Together with me. And why me though? Honestly, I never thought you do take serious about us and want to bring me into serious stage one fine day. Anything can happen in five years. And I dont want any heart got broken for sure. But I do respect that you never break my wall. 

Orang kata

Orang kata rasa kehilangan tu bukannya boleh hilang dalam masa sehari dua. Setahun dia belum pasti. Couldn't agree more!! I lost my best friend few years back. The pain hurt like hell. Tu baru kawan, belum lagi keluarga dan orang-orang yang aku sayang yang lainnya that make me think how it will be when I lost my family? I don't know. Cant imagine. But Ustaz Hafiz said you may think that you cant handle the situation but when Allah take away your beloved, that the the moment you are strong. Strong enough to handle the lost and pain. He will not test you more than you can ever imagine. Always have faith in Him. Stay qawiy. 

Keep everything

Honestly, it is kinda annoying when you are excited to talk to someone and you does not feel the same energy back. That make me keep everything inside my heart.

It was you!

It was June 6. Few minutes after Maghrib.  I just fnished my iftar and suddenly I got a message. It was from you. Received your wishes few minutes before iftar and I read it after iftar. Terharu! You wished me happy birthday. I was touched. Because honestly I was waiting wish from you. You said  "I thought you forget my birthday" because you also was waiting my wishes. It's been eight years how come I forget your birthday? You said you never forget my birthday since my birthday is week after your birthday. Same goes to me. And Wallahi it broke my heart once I know you are not okey. May you found your happiness and trust again!

Monday 4 June 2018


Hello June!!!

The most hectic week just started. Honestly I hate week 13 as my schedule is going to be pack and busy. It will be full of presentation week but I'm also excited for the upcoming June 6.