Friday 2 November 2018

Ecah and Me

Ecah came to my room and suddenly she locked the door. I was alone in my room till she came. Well that's not a good sign the moment I heard she locked my room's door. And the story goes on. I know she is not feeling good. She cry again. There's one  thing that she said that makes me realise that is so true girl and I couldn't deny it anymore. Ecah really knows me very well. She know what and how I feel. Ecah cakap kita ni memang banyak gelak nad macam takde masalah tapi aku tahu kau terasa bila budak budak ni marah kau depan kelas and bila tiba tiba kau diam. Aku tahu tapi aku diam je. Suddenly, I cried. Duhh I cannot even lie with this girl. "Kau tengoklah macam mana budak rumah dia buang dia. Kata best friend" Allahu that is what Atiq to told Ecah about me. Presentation Halal. Am the only girl dalam group lelaki. Before that aku group lain . Tercampak dengan classmate yang aku tak selesa bekerja and I decided to change my group with Apis, Syafiq and Syed. Budak budak rumah tak peduli pun dengan siapa aku tercampak, dengan group mana aku masuk. Tipu lah kalau aku tak terasa.