Friday 28 April 2017

Pesan Abah

I remembered last year exactly during Ramdhan, all my family members sat around the dining table. We were waiting for the Adhan to break our fast. Abah once said to us "kita ni dah la tak berdakwah then when some people come to us nak berdakwah kita halang dia orang pulak. Mana boleh macam tu." 

For example, orang tabligh. Usually, during Ramadhan they will come to each musolla or masjid. They come for menghidupkan masjid or musolla. They will come to each house and ajak all the neighbourhood. Usually in midnight they will perform solat hajat, solat tahajjud, solat taubat and do qiamulillail. The tabligh people datang musolla or masjid to do some programme during Ramadhan and kita halang dengan cara nak tutup masjid or musolla. Adil ke macam tu?" I swaer by the time my Abah said macam tu my heart broke into pieces. Abah was right. I asked myself thousand times aku ni ada buat kerja-kerja dakwah tak? And the answers is no. So, I said to myself lets support their dakwah by como to their lecture every night before or after terawih prayer. In addition, its aso can help me to boost my Imaan. :)